<? SETBLOCK ClientConnectHint_Password ?><? VAR Username ?>/<? VAR Name ?>:<? FORMAT "<password>" ?><? ENDSETBLOCK ?>
<? SETBLOCK ClientConnectHint_Username ?><? VAR Username ?>/<? VAR Name ?><? ENDSETBLOCK ?>
<? ELSE ?>
<? SETBLOCK ClientConnectHint_Password ?><? VAR Username ?>/<? FORMAT "<network>" ?>:<? FORMAT "<password>" ?><? ENDSETBLOCK ?>
<? SETBLOCK ClientConnectHint_Username ?><? VAR Username ?>/<? FORMAT "<network>" ?><? ENDSETBLOCK ?>
<? ENDIF ?>
<div class="alert alert-warning"><? FORMAT "To connect to this network from your IRC client, you can set the server password field as <code>{1}</code> or username field as <code>{2}</code>" "ClientConnectHint_Password ESC=" "ClientConnectHint_Username ESC=" ?></div>
<div class="alert alert-info"><? FORMAT "Nick, AltNick, Ident, RealName, BindHost can be left empty to use the value from the user." ?></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputNetworkName" name="name" value="<? VAR Name ?>" maxlength="20" placeholder="<? FORMAT "The name of the IRC network." ?>">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputNickname" name="nick" value="<? VAR Nick ?>" maxlength="30" placeholder="<? FORMAT "Your nickname on IRC." ?>">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="AltNickname" name="altnick" value="<? VAR AltNick ?>" maxlength="30" placeholder="<? FORMAT "Your secondary nickname, if the first is not available on IRC." ?>">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputQuit" name="quitmsg" value="<? VAR QuitMsg ?>" maxlength="256" placeholder="<? FORMAT "You may define a Message shown, when you quit IRC." ?>">
<label for="inputTrustedSSL" class="col-sm-2 control-label"><? FORMAT "SHA-256 fingerprints of trusted SSL certificates of this IRC network:" ?></label>
<span class="help-block"><? FORMAT "You might enable the flood protection. This prevents “excess flood” errors, which occur, when your IRC bot is command flooded or spammed. After changing this, reconnect ZNC to server." ?></span>
<input class="form-control" type="number" name="floodrate" min="0.3" step="0.05" id="floodrate" placeholder="<? FORMAT "The number of seconds per line. After changing this, reconnect ZNC to server." ?>" <? IF FloodProtection ?> value="<? VAR FloodRate ?>" <? ELSE ?> value="1.00" disabled="disabled" <? ENDIF ?> />
<? FORMAT "{1} seconds per line" "FloodInputField_Rate ESC=" ?>
<span class="help-block"><? FORMAT "The number of seconds per line. After changing this, reconnect ZNC to server." ?></span>
<? FORMAT "{1} lines can be sent immediately" "FloodInputField_Burst ESC=" ?>
<span class="help-block"><? FORMAT "Defines the number of lines, which can be sent immediately. After changing this, reconnect ZNC to server." ?></span>
<td><a href="<? VAR ModPath TOP ?>addchan?user=<? VAR Username ESC=URL ?>&network=<? VAR Name ESC=URL ?>" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><? FORMAT "Add" ?></a></td>
<input type="hidden" name="channel" value="<? VAR Name ?>" />
<a href="<? VAR ModPath TOP ?>editchan?user=<? VAR Username ESC=URL ?>&network=<? VAR Network ESC=URL ?>&name=<? VAR Name ESC=URL ?>" class="btn btn-warning btn-xs"><? FORMAT "Edit" ?></a>
<a href="<? VAR ModPath TOP ?>delchan?user=<? VAR Username ESC=URL ?>&network=<? VAR Network ESC=URL ?>&name=<? VAR Name ESC=URL ?>" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs"><? FORMAT "Del" ?></a>
<input type="checkbox" name="loadmod" id="lm_<? VAR Name ?>" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" value="<? VAR Name ?>"<? IF Checked ?> checked="checked"<? ENDIF ?><? IF Disabled ?> disabled="disabled"<? ENDIF ?> />
<label for="lm_<? VAR Name ?>"></label>
<label for="lm_<? VAR Name ?>"> <? IF Wiki ?><a href="http://wiki.znc.in/<? VAR Wiki ?>" target="_blank"><? VAR Name ?></a> <? ELSE ?> <? VAR Name ?> <? ENDIF ?></label>
<? IF Disabled ?>
<? VAR Args ?>
<? ELSE ?>
<input class="form-control" class="third" type="text" name="modargs_<? VAR Name ?>" value="<? VAR Args ?>"
<? IF !HasArgs ?> disabled="disabled"<? ENDIF ?>
<? IF ArgsHelpText ?> data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="<? VAR ArgsHelpText ?>"<? ENDIF ?> autocomplete="off"/>
<? ENDIF ?>
<td><? VAR Description ?></td>
<? IF CanBeLoadedGlobally ?>
<div class="checkboxSwitchMini">
<input type="checkbox" name="loaded_globally" id="loaded_globally_<? VAR Name ?>" value="<? VAR Name ?>"<? IF LoadedGloabally?> checked="checked" <? ENDIF ?> class="sr-only" disabled="disabled" /> <? ENDIF ?>
<label for="loaded_globally_<? VAR Name ?>"></label>
<? ENDIF ?>
<? IF CanBeLoadedByUser ?>
<div class="checkboxSwitchMini">
<input type="checkbox" name="loaded_by_user" id="loaded_by_user_<? VAR Name ?>" value="<? VAR Name ?>"<? IF LoadedByUser ?> checked="checked" <? ENDIF ?> class="sr-only" disabled="disabled" /> <? ENDIF ?>
<label for="loaded_by_user_<? VAR Name ?>"></label>
<input class="btn btn-success" type="submit" name="submit_return" value="<? IF Edit ?><? FORMAT "Save and return" ?><? ELSE ?><? FORMAT "Add Network and return" ?><? ENDIF ?>" />
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="submit_continue" value="<? IF Edit ?><? FORMAT "Save and continue" ?><? ELSE ?><? FORMAT "Add Network and continue" ?><? ENDIF ?>" />